How To Use A Divot Repair Tool - Tips
If we had to describe a divot repair tool, then the best way is to have someone close their eyes and tell them to take two tines of a fork and attach it to a bar and bottle opener on top.
What are they used for?
Well, if you think about it, when you hit a golf ball and it lands on the green, it leaves little dents or impressions — some people call it a depression in the grass because the ball hits the ground so hard.
A divot repair tool is stuck it in the grass around the edge of the depression and pushed towards the depression, so that the grass moves inward. This way, when the ball is put back in place, it will be level on the grass again.
Divot repair tool usage
Here is how to use a divot repair tool when you have found your golf ball on the green after your approach shot:
At the point where the ball impacted the turf is a slight depression. Slip the divot tool at about a 45° angle, under the ball mark, pushing the turf without pulling the roots. Note that healing will begin right away.
Simply push the divot tool down so that it moves normally toward the ball mark spreading the grass over the impression. Then stick the tool in another location around the divot and do the same thing. Repeat the "stick and push in" process in a circular motion around the impression.
Once you're done with this, use your putter or something similar to pat the grass down.
A divot tool will typically have a wedge scoop outline that hinders the lifting movement, minimizing the risk of accidental root separation and guaranteeing a healthy green instead of a dark-colored dead spot from where the golf ball had landed.
Do not lift the grass up after sticking the divot tool into the turf! Instead, push it inward towards the middle of the ball mark.
This video provides a great visual of the process:
This is just another way to keep the green smooth for the other golfers. It is showing respect for the game, course and players.
Everyone tries to do their part. People do not yell or throw litter on the grass, and they are respectful of the other players on the grounds.
They also may regrip their golf clubs to allow for maximum control and to avoid accidentally endangering others with flying golf clubs.
Golf is a game played with respect. Players are even quiet while the other is putting so not to break their concentration. What other sport do you know like this? Amongst other tools and gadgets that you will purchase for your golf bag, make sure to always have a divot repair tool on hand.